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Imprisoned Uyghur Torch carriers for 2008 Summer Olympic

Imprisoned Uyghur Torch carriers for 2008 Summer Olympic - Uyghur Hjelp - UyghurHjelp

Imprisoned Uyghur Torch carriers for 2008 Summer Olympic

  1. Patigul Qadir (Note: Released): 1966年5月出生于新疆麦盖提县;1980年选入喀什业余体校,同年10月选入新疆体育运动学校,1985年至今担任喀什体育运动学校排球教练. 被国家、自治区体育局和喀什地区文体局授予“优秀教练员”荣誉称号,多次被地区妇联评“三八红旗手”称号,2006年被自评为“全国三八红旗手”称号,为喀什地区的体育事业作出了突出贡献。

Patigul Qadir from Mekit Kashgar. Born in 1966. She worked as a sports teacher in an amateur sports school in 1980. In October of the same year, she was selected to the Xin Jiang sports school and worked as a volleyball coach from 1985 till she was arrested. She was imprisoned in a concentration camp from June 2017 to February 2019.

  1. Alimjan Mehmut: 阿力木江·马合木提、男、维吾尔族、1957年10月生、本科学历,现任喀什地区体育运动学校教练

Alimjan Mehmut, Born in October 1957, with a bachelor’s degree, he was worked as a Kashgar sports school coach till he was arrested. He was arrested for crimes against public safety in 2017 and Sentenced to 8 years imprisonment in 2018, He was serving jail terms in Aksu jail.

  1. Yasinjan Awut: 亚森江·阿吾提,男,维吾尔族,中共党员,新疆喀什伽什县人,喀什学院体育系2004-1班学生,现任本班班长。

Yasinjan Avut, male, member of the Communist Party, from Peyzabat, Kashgar, he was a student of Class 2004-1 Department of Physical Education, kashgar University. and disappeared after being arrested by the national security in March 2017.

  1. Jumahun Memet: 1965年出生,1972年到1977年受小学教育,1977年到1980年初中教育,1980年到1985年地区业余体校训练,1985年到1988年自治区摔跤队训练,1988年至今在疏附县文化体育广播电视局工作。参加工作以来对工作认真负责,积极参加比赛获得国家级,自治区级比赛的金牌和银牌13枚,多次评为优秀工作者,优秀教练员,先进运动员称号

Jumahun memet, born in 1965. he received his primary school education from 1972 to 1977, junior high school education from 1977 to 1980. From 1980 to 1985 he trained in the regional amateur sports school, and from 1985 to 1988 he trained in the wrestling team of the autonomous region. From 1988 to his detention, he worked in the Radio and Television Bureau of kona sheher County.  He was arrested and charged of endangered national security in 2018. There is no information about how many years he was sentenced and where he is now.

  1. 努尔艾力·买买提、男、维吾尔族、1986年10月生/ 麦盖提县业余体校. 热爱奥林匹克运动、热爱志愿服务、品德高尚、乐于奉献、在2001年—2007年的各项体育摔跤比赛中均获得好成绩

Nureli, Memet, born in oct 1986. From mekit, kashgar. He is owner of mekit amateur sport school. He was arrested in 2016 for opening an illegal sports club and sentenced 15 years in prison and Transferred to prison in Chinese province in 2018

  1. Adil Abdurehim. He was a torch carrier for 2008 summer Olympic, got arrested in 2017, sentenced 14 years for watching anti-revolutionary videos. Before being arrested he was head of athletics and culture department, Saybagh Urumchi.
  2. Abduqeyum Semet: 阿不都克尤木塞买提、男、维吾尔族、1962年6月生,1985年毕业于新疆医科大学,现任喀什地区第一人民医院副院长. 自参加工作以来常年从事普外、心胸外科的诊治与重大疑难杂症的诊治工作,获得地区科技成果二等奖,在国际、国内刊物发表论文数十余篇.

Abduqeyum Semet, Medical doctor, got arrested in 2017, until now there is no confirmed information about his sentence.

  1. Abdurishit Mehet: 1976年出生,1976年到1983年受家庭教育,1983年到1988年小学教育,1988年到1992年初中教育,1992年到1997年自治区体校,1997年到今塔什米力克乡工作. 该同志热爱体育运动,1993年参加青少年运动会得400米赛跑第二名,800米第三名,1994年青年运动会800米接力赛获金牌.

Abdureshit Mehet, got arrested in 2016, sentenced 16 years. He is serving his prison terms in BingTuan Prison in Urumchi.