Who is Abduqadir Jalalidin
Abduqadir Jalalidin was born in March, 1964 a scholarly family in Bashkeram village of Kashgar city. In June 1986, he graduated from the Chinese Language and Literature department of Kashgar Pedagogical College, majoring in Uyghur language and literature. He worked as a language and literature teacher in Xinjiang Experimental Middle School in Urumqi for two years.
In 1988, he worked at Xinjiang Institute of Education. Since 2009, he has been working at the university of Literature of Xinjiang Pedagogical University. Abduqadir Jalalidin is a member of the China Minority Writers’ Association and Xinjiang Writers’ Association.
Abduqadir Jalalidin is the author of more than twenty books, including poems, essays, translations, and textbooks. These books cover the fields of politics, philosophy, aesthetics, literature, culture, education, and folklore. He was the one of the main members of the Uyghur Textbook which caused hundred of Uyghur intellectuals imprisonment.
Abdukadir Jalalidin articles collection published in Xinjiang people’s publish in October,2000. In March 2005, again his articles collections, so called ‘at the Edge of Finding ourself ‘ published in Xinjiang peoples’ publishing house.
In 1995, Kashgar Uyghur people publishing house published his articles collections,‘ Fruits of the intelligence and Satan’. In 1993, Xinjiang youth publishing house published his poems collections’ Heart is beating’. In 2001, his other poems collections, ‘Gap’ , were published in Xinjiang peoples’ publishing house.
His poems collection, ‘Vein for wine’ was published in Xinjiang youth publishing hous. Poems collection, ‘Burned Sea’ published in 2001 in Xinjiang people publishing hous. The ‘Harvest in Winter’ published in 2012 by Xinjiang technology publishing house.
‘Death is not Evil’ is his translated poems collection which written by western poets, that was published by Xinjiang technology publishing house in 2012.
His essays collection, ‘Journey of Humanity’ in 2012 was published in Xinjiang technology publishing house. ‘Hope of alive’, his book about his experience in the United Kingdom was published in 2012 in Xinjiang technology publishing house.
He also has a lot of translated books, such as, ‘The Last day of Socrates’, ‘Dialogs of Plato’, ‘Zoroaster Says So’, ‘Machiavellianism’, ‘Wisdom of the West’, ‘ The Scarlet Letter’, ‘The garden of Morality’, ‘Animals Farm’, ‘Republics’
In addition, Abduqadir Jalalidin wrote textbooks, such as Uyghur middle school grade 1 ‘Uyghur language and literature’, was published in Xinjiang Education publishing house in 2003, also in 2003 his ‘Writing Guide’ was published in Xinjiang people publishing house.
In 2008 his ‘Uyghur Language and Literature for Teachers’ handbook was published by Xinjiang Education publishing house.
He compiled textbooks with famous writer, Yalqun Rozi who got arrested in October 2016. In 2003, he published ‘Introductions of literature theories’ as a university textbook, it was published by Xinjiang Education publishing house.
His dedication is well known by his readers. He was nominated as a ‘The Best Writer’, ’The best Professor’, His publications awarded by universities, and other different academic institutions.
His some poems translated in Kyrgyz, Kazakh, Chinese. He also invited for speeches in different universities in Proper China.
He got arrested in February 2018, in 2019, he got life imprisonment. He was reportedly jailed in Kashgar.
Some of his books on the internet: