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Who is Ehmet Kebir

Ehmet kebir
Ehmet kebir
Ehmet kebir

Ehmet Kebir was born in 1967 in Kucha County, and started working since 1985. He pursued his education at Aksu Agricultural college then Xinjiang University, where he studied literature. Between the years of 1985 to 1990, he taught at Akdongang Rural High School. Subsequently, he became an education management officer at the Kucha County Education Bureau, as well as a department head in the propaganda department of the Kucha County Party Committee. Later on, in 2003, he served as the deputy head of the Kucha Regional Bureau of Culture, Education, and Radio and Television. Ultimately, he was appointed as the director of Aksu Provincial No. 1 Middle School in 2015.
Aside from his professional career, Ehmet Kebir is also a creative writer. Beginning in 1987, he has published several poems, essays, stories, and other literary works in various publications. Ehmet kebir got arrested in 2018, got sentenced in 2019.

Ehmet kebir poems
Ehmet kebir poems

Some of his articles published on various magazines