Abduhelil Obulqasim was born Feb 1st 1975 , Kashgar city. He is a filmmaker, content producer, and cultural entrepreneur. He was arrested a second time in September 2023 and sentenced to 15 years.
Abduhelil Obulqasim founded the Dolan company, which produces films, TV shows, soap operas, and music albums. Since 2003 he and his team have created many different TV shows independently and with XJTV as “Xinjiang Talent Show”, “ I am a Singer”, “ Abdukerim Abliz Shows”, and “Jual Shows”. he was also one of the founders of “Hayat Restaurant “in Urumchi.
In some TV shows, he embodies the image of a brave Uyghur man. While he was in Kashgar, he got into an argument with someone and was detained for around 15 days in the 2000s. As a consequence, the police blacklisted him, in Chinese terms, the authority marked his ID with a criminal record. So, when he tried to transfer his residency registration from Kashgar to Urumchi in 2017, he could not, even though he started his business in Urumchi and had been living in Urumchi for more than decades.
Abduhelil Obulqasim was arrested in October 2017 and detained in a pre-trial detention center for more than 18 months, then he was sent to Urumchi Badaowan transformation through an education camp. He was released from the camp in December 2019.
In 2020, he tried to restore all his previous business, he created different TV shows with Urumchi TV and he opened a very famous nightclub called “ Elody “ in Urumchi. In 2021, he encountered many difficulties. Due to his record which detained in the camp, he had to visit the police station once a week, he went to report to the street administrations about his life. He wanted to visit some cities, but the authorities did not allow him to go to other Chinese cities like Guangzhou because he had a criminal record, most importantly, he graduated from the camp, so he could not leave Urumchi.
Abduhelil Obulqasim was arrested again on 15 September 2023 by the national security branch in Urumchi. After being detained in Urumchi for a few days, he was sent to Kashgar. In November, he was sentenced to 15 years prison terms by Kashgar municipal court privately, he was accused of separatism.
According to his friends in the diaspora, Abduhelil Obulqasim is a very kind and sincere man, who enjoys helping others and always considers the needs of others. He has made significant contributions to the cultural and artistic development of Uyghurs, especially new generations.